COVID-19 Action Plan

COVID-19 Action Plan

Precious Angels Daycare is hoping to ease parents’ minds when it comes to childcare. We’re staying in constant communication with parents and health personnel about COVID-19 and its potential transmission within our community. Preventative measures will be taken to minimize the spread of the coronavirus. This can range from just needing to clean and sanitize to closing the center.

Avoid Exposure

We have changed our day-to-day routines to help keep our children, families, and staff healthy, starting with taking extra precautions before children even walk through the door. We have stopped the parents from going into the classrooms. They come in now and stop at the sign-in table, and then staff takes the children back to the classroom. We bring them back up to mom and dad when releasing them at the end of the day. Gloves will be worn when checking children in and out.

We have a sick child policy in the parent handbook that describes in detail when a child is not allowed to come to the center and when they may return to the center. Parents or emergency contact will be notified of any illness or emergencies that occur during center hours. Any sick children at the center cannot return without a doctor’s note.

We’re going to be checking temperatures and making sure we’re not letting sick kids come through the door to avoid exposure. As children get sick inside the center, we will evaluate the situation. If a child has a fever of 99 degrees or higher, parents will be required to pick up their child from daycare.

Children will not be allowed to return for a period of up to 48 hours. Kids must be 24 hours without a fever-reducing medicine before they return. As a further precaution, we have informed parents if their child has any cold-like symptoms to please keep them at home and consult with their doctor. Toys from home are prohibited.


All employees will be required to keep a clean work environment. Cleaning staff should not wear outside shoes inside the center until further notice. Parents are encouraged to have their children do the same. The foyer, hallways, and office will be cleaned on a daily basis.

The kitchen and bathrooms will be thoroughly cleaned after each use. A bleach sanitizing solution will be used on all surfaces after the initial cleaning. Toys will be washed and sanitized as needed.

We have purchased infection control supplies such as face masks, hand sanitizer, Clorox wipes, Lysol spray and soap for children, staff, and visitors. Visitors and delivery service personnel are required to sanitize their hands upon entering and exiting our facility. Cleaning staff and others should clean hands often, including immediately after removing gloves.

Monitor and Plan for Absenteeism

We have an illness policy in the employee handbook. Staff is required to call when ill so arrangements can be made to have staff needs met. The sick leave policies have been reviewed with staff. Staff must notify the center of COVID-19 exposure, symptoms of illness, or confirmed infection. In case of any problem with staff absenteeism that might cause a disruption of services, qualified substitute teachers will be utilized in order to maintain appropriate child/staff ratios. 

Contagious Illness/Disease

Parents and staff must notify the center when diagnosed with a contagious illness or disease. We will notify the proper agencies and post notice of the illness/disease on the bulletin board and in each room. The children or staff will not be allowed to return until they are no longer contagious. 


We are having honest conversations with employees about each staff’s responsibilities in the event of his or her illness or extended absence to ensure the continuation of services. In the event we need to close the center, the staff has been informed about the potential impact on themselves and their families.

We have developed an employee awareness campaign. It includes but is not limited to:

Appropriately, we are also supporting families in planning and making decisions for how they can protect themselves and their family members and homes via email and in person, including recommending and connecting families to information and resources from the CDC.


A medical nurse comes in once a month to observe the center and notify the staff of any medical conditions that are occurring at that time. She also observes the children’s development and gives her professional advice on any concerns that may occur, and educates the staff on becoming more safety conscious.

In the event we consider closing for a COVID-19 related reason, we are required by the Village of Schaumburg to submit a business continuity plan. Similarly, in partnership with other local health officials, including our DCFS representative, would be notified if we experience an increase in children and staff absences.


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